Monday, March 8, 2010

The Importance of Aristotelian Moderation

On the 78th page of the third edition of our text, author Donald Palmer presents us with a scenario in which too much or too little of something (in this case, fear) can be perilous to the individual. Here is another example of the tragedy that can result when something -- which, by itself, is classified as neither good nor bad -- is in excess:


  1. I think that is a really good example Dan. Much like Aristotle said that "physical comfort a requirement for the pursuit of enlightenment" as heathenus said the comfort can be easily taken too far. If it is taken too far the then it is a pursuit of comfort instead of enlightenment.

    Another point I would like to make is that it is healthy to have both the good and bad. In the clip that is portrayed by his worry about his loved ones (bad) and his ability to discount those worries by phone (good). At this point it is a sort of "chicken and egg" dilemma as it is unknown if the phone caused the worries or the phone allowed him to express his worries.

  2. I'm just wondering about the bill he faces at check out the next morning ... hotel phones are _expensive_!!!
