Saturday, April 24, 2010


I was watching one of the shows that i follow up all the time, Firefly. I can't help not to share with you guys, a few minutes of this episode that i think talks about most of the topics we talked about in our class. What is righteous? What is the purpose of things? Does our intention determine the outcome? Does our intentions fulfills the purpose of things? Like for example, our intention to eat fulfills the purpose of food. What are our moral options? What makes doing something right or wrong?
The bounty hunter raises a question at (26:47), when it asks Simon-The Doctor, that if he has been shot and questions him how can he be a surgeon without going through some kind of pain.

Here is a link that gives you details about the show, if you want to know more about it.

Here is the link for the episode.
TIME: 23:30


  1. Firefly is fantastic. I think the tricky (and kinda annoying) part about Firefly is that it doesn't provide answers to the moral/ethical/etc. questions its characters face. I think an interesting aspect that I don't think we've talked about as a class is honor- and I think Firefly discusses that very nicely.

  2. Firefly is a smart and interesting show. Thanks for bringing it into conversation here on the blog. It does address the big themes. I am interested too in the idea of honor. Is it a cultural term or does it have a deeper sense?
