Monday, April 26, 2010

Thursday Teaser!

Hey all,

I'm presenting on Thursday as well. I'll be after Tony, which intimidates me somewhat as I'm sure his will be a hard act to follow.

I'll be speaking on some of the philosophical themes explored in the new movie Avatar. I'm thinking it will be along the lines of god, science, truth, control, ontology, ethics, separation of mind and body, and who knows what else... Come Thursday to find out more!

See ya in class!


  1. excited! have not seen Avatar but heard good reviews. :-) thanks for presenting on Thursday.

  2. Sorry that technology failed and that it ate into your presentation time. As I told Dr. G, your presentation could have consumed a whole class period on its own.

    One thing I thought after the presentation was the whole fair trade goods that are sold. I'm wondering how these products factor in to what you were showing us as to unemployment / poverty / economic factors.
